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Tantric Massage Manchester

Discover the art of tantric massage, where every touch is a journey of sensual bliss and profound relaxation for you.

Stress Relief

Enhanced Sensuality

Physical Health

Advanced Tech

Image by Katherine Hanlon

Experience the magic of tantra

Tantra is a pathway, not just to sexual ecstasy but to personal healing and fulfilment.

Sessions are 2 hours long, priced at £235. I will begin the session with a consultation, discuss boundaries then I will proceed with a ritual then a full body massage experience. A non refundable deposit is required to secure your booking. 

Discover My Range of

Blissful Tantric Massages

Embark on a journey of profound relaxation and sensual bliss with my range of tantric massage offerings. From soothing relaxation massages to intense sensory experiences, each session is crafted to transport you to a state of tranquility and inner peace.


Let me guide you towards serenity as you explore the transformative power of tantric touch.


How does the tantric process work?

Your Experience Explained


Preparation and Grounding

Create a calming atmosphere and establish trust through deep breathing and grounding exercises.


Sensual Exploration

Use gentle touch and tantric techniques to explore the recipient's body, focusing on releasing tension and awakening sensations.


Connection and Surrender

Foster intimacy and connection through mutual breathwork and eye contact, encouraging the recipient to surrender to the experience.


Integration and Closure

Transition from sensual touch to grounding techniques, reflect on the experience together, and close with gratitude before gently bringing the recipient back to wakefulness.

Read what my clients have to say about me

Discover the transformative experiences my clients have shared. Explore their testimonials below.


"Elise's tantric massage was a transformative experience, blending relaxation and sensuality flawlessly. Her expertise and warm presence created a safe space for profound healing. Highly recommend her services."


"Elise's tantric massage was incredibly rejuvenating, awakening senses I didn't know I had. Her gentle touch and intuitive approach left me feeling deeply connected and revitalised. Thank you, Elise!"


"Elise's tantric massage was an exquisite journey of self-discovery. Her skilful hands and nurturing energy guided me through a profound state of relaxation and bliss. A truly enlightening experience. Grateful for her talent."



Greater Manchester


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